One step aheadPan Entertainment2013 | Category Posters
Music Village 2012ArTree2012 | Category Posters
Christmas at the Thessaloniki Concert HallThessaloniki Concert Hall2012 | Category Brochures, Posters
Music Village 2011ArTree2011 | Category Posters
Poster about Thessaloniki, for the Parallaxi magazine 20th anniversaryParallaxi Magazine2010 | Category Posters
49th Thessaloniki International Film FestivalThessaloniki International Film Festival2008 | Category Visual identity, Posters
Mora sti Fotia, 1987-2005Baby Records, Lazy Dog Records, Ano Kato Records2005 | Category Posters, CD
Ta Xilina Spathia, 1993-2003Virgin Records2003 | Category Posters, CD
43rd Thessaloniki International Film FestivalThessaloniki International Film Festival2002 | Category Posters2nd Prize, Design & Illustration Awards, 2003
Illustration: Simos Saltiel