Red Creative featured on gr design magazine
28 Mar 2017
Red Creative is presented in an eight page article in gr design magazine's last issue.
The construction on the cover was made especially for this issue and will be exhibited at the Benaki Museum during the Young Designers Games
16 Jan 2017
"Greece Is", a culture and gastronomy free publication of "Kathimerini", contacted Red Creative in search of an original piece of artwork for the cover of the Winter 2016-17 issue. Our design team selected the owl, symbol of goddess Athena, as appropriate for the "Greece Is Athens" issue cover and created this illustration of a full-moon night flying owl, particularly for the occasion. (Illustration: Elina Steletari)
The complete issue may be found here.
"Green Packaging Solutions"
25 Nov 2016
The publication "Green Packaging Solutions" by Miquel Abellan showcases selected ecological packaging projects from countries around the globe, from China to Mexico. "The importance of recyclable packaging is clearly recognised by all market sectors. The interest shown by designers in this field of packaging is clearly demonstrated by the outcome of numerous remarkable projects." AGORA extra virgin olive oil packaging designed by Red Creative is presented in this publication by Monsa.
A New Visual Identity in Cyprus
15 Oct 2016
The new branding of Vlassides Winery designed by Red Creative in strategic collaboration with Ambigram, was presented to a professional audience in Cyprus. The new branding reflects the personality of the oenologist Sofoklis Vlassides and the minimal, geometric winery designed by architect Eraclis Papachristou. An engaging video by Yiannis Valtis was projected on the moonlit winery, visualising the design thinking behind the new branding and labels. Τhe evening concluded with an extended wine tasting of rare and new crops of the winery.
Kostas Kalogirou, Sofoklis Vlassides, Yiannis Valtis, Leoni Sion, Eraclis Papachristou
Book presentation: Theological School of Halki - The Building and its Restoration
13 Oct 2016
The publication presentation was held at the Thessaloniki concert Hall at the presence of over three hundred guests, saluted by Dr. Elpidoforos Lambriniadis Archbishop of Proussa on behalf of the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, Nikolaos Marinakos, National Bank of Greece Sponsorships Director, Yiannis Mylopoulos, AUTH Professor, Chairman ATTIKO METRO SA and Aleka Alexopoulou, Director IPS Cultural Monuments Protection, Conservation & Restoration, AUTH.
The publication was presented by Vilma Hastaoglou-Martinidis, Professor Emeritus, AUTH and Sasa Lada, Professor Emeritus AUTH, publication editors, Savvas Tsilenis, Dr. Architect, National Hellenic Research Foundation, Kostas Gavroglou, Professor Emeritus NKUA and Kostas Karras, Chairman, Society for the Environment and Cultural Heritage, while journalist Elli Stai hosted the event.
The publication was art directed by Red Creative and designed by Nicoletta Antonopoulou.
Dr. Elpidoforos Lambriniadis Archbishop of Proussa
Publication Editor Sasa Lada, Professor Emeritus AUTH
Publication Editor Vilma Hastaoglou-Martinidis, Professor Emeritus AUTH
Hostess, journalist Elli Stai
6th ICTVC - "Stergios Delialis: Designer"
09 Jul 2016
Organised under the 6th International Conference on Typography & Visual Communication, a retrospective exhibition entitled "Stergios Delialis: Designer - 55 years graphics, spaces, objects - and a Design Museum" showcased original material from the designer's archives (1960 - 2015) along with the complete print visual identity of the Thessaloniki Design Museum. The exhibition was held at the Thessaloniki Center of Contemporary Art of the State Museum of Contemporary Art.
Exhibition duration: July 8th to October 1st, 2016
Curated by: Stergios Delialis - Kostas Kalogirou
Crossroads: Photography and the book
19 May 2016
A talk about Photography and the book at the Thessaloniki Museum of Photography.
Hercules Papaioannou, Director of the Thessaloniki Museum of Photography
Paris Petridis, Photographer
Simos Saltiel, Designer and Photographer
08 Mar 2016
Product Design at International Hellenic University
08 Jul 2015
The International Hellenic University Product Design Summer Camp program enables participants to further develop their knowledge and skills on product and packaging design, laser cutting and 3D printing technologies. This summer, under the IHU Lifelong Learning Program, Kostas Kalogirou of Red Creative delivered a lecture on Packaging Design, followed by a hands-on workshop that integrated graphic design, 3D design and laser cutting.
5th Behance Thessaloniki Portfolio Review
13 May 2015
Twice annually, Behance presents Portfolio Review Week, a series of volunteer-organised events that has spread to hundreds of cities internationally, with a goal of bringing together creative professionals. Thessaloniki joined in for the fifth time in this global get together and Kostas Kalogirou of Red Creative participated as a Portfolio Reviewer in the event which was hosted in Thessaloniki City Hall.

Silver Pentaward for Maleas Olive Oil
10 Oct 2014
Maleas packaging won the Silver Pentaward at the Luxury - Gourmet Food category at the Pentawards 2014. Pentawards is a major worldwide competition exclusively devoted to packaging design in all its forms with contestants from around the globe - this year over 1.500 submissions from 5 continents and 53 countries were submitted, and the award ceremony was held in Tokio on October 9th, 2014.
The marketing strategy is handled by Ambigram and Maleas Extra Virgin Olive Oil is the first greek organic olive oil that appeared in the shelves of the renowned Harrods of London food department.
13th Kythera Photographic Encounters
02 Oct 2014
Simos Saltiel presented the digital magazine wip at the 13th Kythera Photographic Encounters and described its course from 2008 to 2014. At the end of the festival he proposed the creation of an issue of wip dedicated to the photographic works created during the three day event. The idea was welcomed with enthusiasm by all participating photographers. The issue will be readyby the end of October.
“ODE TO CODE” New publication from KETHEA-ITHAKI
23 Jun 2014
Red Creative along with 42 designers and creative firms of Thessaloniki contributed to the publication “Ode To Code”, published by KETHEA-ITHAKI Rehabilitation and Social Reintegration Network and KETHEA Schema+Chroma printing house in support of the Therapeutic Community aims. This bilingual publication presents visual artworks inspired by 43 different codes, from ancient to contemporary. “Ode To Code” is available through KETHEART shop (4 Pindou st., Thessaloniki, +30.2310.221.235). For more information and designers visit
HEADSTONE / FOOTSTONE by Red Creative (illustration: Elina Steletari)
"Before a bottle of wine gets opened" exhibition - Meet The Makers: a special evening
20 Dec 2013
'Meet the makers' at "Ro" Art Space (Thessaloniki) evolved to a delightful evening with enlightening presentations. Oenologist Yannis Voyatzis presented the new "Lefkotsiknias" and "Young Tsapournakos" wines, while curator Hercules Papaioannou, photographer Paris Petridis, director Yannis Valtis, architect Giorgos Papakostas and graphic designer Simos Saltiel shared photographs, designs, creations and anecdotes of their professional collaboration with Ktima Voyatzi, presenting an enjoyable insight -each of them in his own field- at the work involved "before a bottle of wine gets opened".
Oenologist Yiannis Voyatzis presents the new wines
"Ro" art space, Thessaloniki
(clockwise) Architects Yannis Vlachos and Giorgos Papakostas, photographer Paris Petridis, director Yiannis Valtis, Thessaloniki Photography Museum curator Hercules Papaioannou, winemakers Nikos Voyatzis and Yiannis Voyatzis, graphic designer Simos Saltiel
Architects Phaedros Avdis and Yorgos Papakostas watch the presentation of Simos Saltiel
Designers Kostas Kalogirou and Stelios Pseftongas
Before A Bottle Gets Opened: photography, wine-label and wine exhibition
04 Dec 2013
Before a bottle of wine gets opened
A photography, wine-label and wine exhibition
A Winetasting Evening
Saturday, December 7, 2013, 20.30
Presentation of two new Domaine Voyatzis wines
Meet The Makers
Wednesday, December 11, 2013, 21.00
Hercules Papaioannou
Curator, Thessaloniki Museum of Photography
Yiannis Valtis
Producer - Director
Giorgos Papakostas
Professor, School of Architecture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Simos Saltiel
Graphic Designer, Red Creative
Yiannis Voyatzis
Exhibition curated by Eleni-Maria Tsouka
DURATION: 7-14 December, 2013
Monday & Wednesday: 18.00-21.00
Tuesday - Thursday - Friday: 10.30-14.30 & 18.00-20.30
Saturday: 11.30-14.30
Ρώ (Ro) Art Space
5 Romanou street
546 23 Thessaloniki
Τel. +30.2310.226.552
"A three decade overview" presentation and discussion
14 Nov 2012
The presentation-discussion that Red Creative organised during the “Thessaloniki Graphic Design: 1980 – 2009” poster exhibition, took place at Diplareios School last Saturday, November 9th, 2012. After the guest speakers Angelos Bakas, Dimitris Polyzos, Apostolos Rizos and Dimitris Papazoglou concluded their talks/presentations on the Thessaloniki graphic design scene, designers from the audience joined in, contributing to a passionate discussion which highlighted interesting issues and viewpoints.
Angelo Bakas, Dimitris Polyzos, Apostolos Rizos, Dimitris Papazoglou
Angelo Bakas passionately supports his viewpoint
Tzanetos Petropouleas, Chairman of the Greek Graphic Designers Association (left) debating on city branding with art director Yannis Karlopoulos
Graphic designer Dimitris Polyzos at the poster exhibition after the discussion
Designers Dimitris Papazoglou and Dimitris Arvanitis
Editor Angelo Bakas with typeface designer Panos Haratzopoulos and publisher Dimitris Fakinos
“Thessaloniki Graphic Design 1980 – 2009” poster exhibition opening
02 Nov 2012
The old building of Diplareios School that hosts the 14th Athens International Comics Festival and the poster exhibition organised by Red Creative, with works of Thessaloniki designers reflecting the course of print graphics in the city over three decades, has opened its doors to the public.
Poster Exhibition & Discussion at the 14th Athens International Comics Festival
24 Oct 2012
Red Creative presents the “Thessaloniki Graphic Design 1980–2009” poster exhibition at the 14th Athens International Comics Festival, November2 - 11, 2012. The exhibition, previously displayed at the Contemporary Art Center of Thessaloniki and the Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art, presents posters by Thessaloniki designers which reflect the course of print graphics in the city over three decades.
The exhibits were provided by Thessaloniki designers and studios on the occasion of the “Thessaloniki Graphic Design 1980–2009” publication by Red Creative, and first-run printed poster are being displayed where production techniques such as foilprinting, special inks and papers have been used.
A visual timeline of graphics created from 1980 to 2009 is displayed on screen, illustrating the graphic design spirit of each period, along with a “making of” the “Thessaloniki Graphic Design 1980–2009” publication.
PRESENTATION - DISCUSSION 10 Νοεμβρίου 2012, ώρα 12:30
Thessaloniki Graphic Design: 1980–2009
A three decade overview
Four Thessaloniki designers discuss the evolution of graphic design in the city in regard to technological, business and cultural advancement, as they experienced it, decade to decade: stories, comments, viewpoints, and work, old and new, from the Thessaloniki design scene.
A Presentation – discussion with
Angelos Bakas
Typographic designer, author, educator / Editor of «Thessaloniki Graphic Design 1980-2009»
Dimitris Papazoglou
Graphic designer - Designers United
Dimitris Polizos
Graphic designer, photographer, typographer
Apostolos Rizos
Graphic designer - Les Yper Yper
Angelos Bakas is graphic designer, author and educator. Publisher of ACRO magazine typograghy and visual communication. Font designer for Cannibal Fonts with his typeface Acrofonts. Over the past years he is devoted to authorship and performs an independent research on graphic design education on academic level.
Dimitris Papazoglou was born in Athens in 1976 and studied typographic design and visual communications in Istituto Europeo di Design (IED) in Milan, Italy. Among other things, he has worked as the Creative Art Director of the famous weekly periodical “Epsilon” from Eleftherotypia newspaper. He has teached typography and visual communication for the postgraduate students in AKTO educational institute and has been the speaker in a series of lectures in the Postgraduate Department of Musicology of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Dimitris is also the co-founder and Creative Director of Designers United, the award winning multidisciplinary design firm focused in brand identity development, creative direction, and interaction based in Thessaloniki, Greece.
Dimitris Polizos started his carreer in the ‘60s, trained in his father’s traditional lithographic printing facility under the mentorship of Yannis Svoronos. He has worked as graphic designer, photographer, lithographer and interior designer. He created Grapholine offset lithography with G. Kanakis, and also known city entertainment joints, namely Ethnic, Malt’n’Jazz and It’s Only.
Apostolos Rizos
A constant contributor on the field of design, typography and visual communication over the past twenty years and a founding member of Altervision. His conducted his doctorate research on 20th century greek posters at the Reading University, UK, and has been guest speaker and organiser of international conferences. A visual communication consultant for distinct companies and organisations. Co-founder of Poeta Negra lecord label and recently of Les Yper Yper creative hub, Apostolos organises educational and cultural events in Greece and abroad in cooperation with international, cultural and independent organisations.
Organised & produced by Red Creative
Exhibition curator: Eleni-Maria Tsouka
14th Athens International Comics Festival
(Diplareios Scoli, Platia Theatrou 3, Psirri)
November 2 - 11, 2012
Monday - Friday: 14:00 - 23:00
Saturday & Sunday: 12:00 - 00:00
Festival Tickets:
Daily - 3 euro
10day - 6 euro
Free entrance for Unemployment Card holders
Free entrance at the Discussion Graphis Designers Association Card holders
For more information:
"Thessaloniki Graphic Design 1980–2009" at "HYPHEN - a typographic forum"
23 Jul 2012
"HYPHEN- a typographic forum" is an annual publication presenting greek and international papers on typography and graphic communication. This year's issue showcases "Thessaloniki Graphic Design 1980–2009" publication by Red Creative, with an article by Dr Klimis Mastoridis, Professor of Typography & Graphic Communication at the University of Nicosia, in which he notes: “ may be a book that emerged from Thessaloniki but is adressed to the entire world, as it refers to cultural heritage which belongs to all” (excerpt translated). For those interested in the full article (in greek), "HYPHEN " is available at "Anikoula" bookstores, Greece (orders via e-mail at: while "Thessaloniki Graphic Design 1980–2009" can be found here.
"Plus Minus" at the Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art
07 Mar 2012
Red Creative participates at "Free" - What should Thessaloniki be liberated from, today?" group exhibition with "Plus Minus" - an interactive piece where visitors continually redefine the answer to the question. The exhibition is presented at the Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art as part of the "Made in Thessaloniki" design week, organised by "Parallaxi" and "Thessaloniki Allios" team in collaboration with Goethe Institut. (Exhibition duration: March 2 - 24, 2012)
A poster exhibition “Made in Thessaloniki” by Red Creative at the MMCA
07 Mar 2012
Red Creative participates in “Made in Thessaloniki” design week, with the “Thessaloniki Graphic Design, 1980 – 2009” poster exhibition at the Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art. The posters, designed by an array of Thessaloniki creators, were initially selected by the designers themselves for inclusion in the anthology “Thessaloniki Graphic Design, 1980 – 2009” published by Red Creative, and will be on display at the museum until March 24, 2012.
Gold Award for Domaine Gerovassilou wine labels
16 Dec 2011
Domain Gerovassiliou “Αvaton” and “Malagousia” wine label designs by Red Creative were awarded the 1st prize of the Wine Category at the Gold Label Awards 2011. The two acclaimed wines, available in the greek and international market, are also complemented with a gift box set with the same design approach, of elegance functioning as visual synonym for quality.
Photo: Heinz Troll
Thessaloniki Centennary logo
23 Nov 2011
A lower case ‘thita’ reflecting the city progress in time, won the “Thessaloniki 2012” committee design spec for the city Centennary logo. The symbol –visualising a single path, from past to future– was selected to mark the city Centennary celebrations throughout 2012.
Α mermaid for the city of Thessaloniki
05 Oct 2011
A mermaid wearing a chef’s hat is the symbοl of the newborn Thessaloniki Food Festival - an event that aims to highlight and promote the generous gastronomic character of the city, spotlighting it as a noteworthy gastronomic destination. Red Creative won the competition run by the Thessaloniki Tourism Organisation, with a proposal inspired by the popular legend* of King Alexander’s sister.
* Τhe city of Thessaloniki was founded by Kassandros and named after his wife - the step-sister of Alexander the Great and daughter of Philipos II. According to the legend, Thessaloniki turned into a mermaid after her brother’s death, and she lives in the Aegean Sea ever since. Every time she meets a sailor, she asks: “Is King Alexander alive?” The correct answer to that, is: “He is alive and reigns”. Any other response makes her furious, and she sinks the vessel with everyone onboard.
“Thessaloniki Graphic Design 1980–2009” at “THESSALONIKEON POLIS”
30 Sep 2011
The bilingual publication by Red Creative was showcased in “THESSALONIKEON POLIS” cultural periodical (Issue 37, September 2011). “THESSALONIKEON POLIS” is a quarterly publication exploring cultural aspects of the city, available in Thessaloniki bookstores and here. In his article, Dr Klimis Mastoridis, Professor of Typography & Graphic Communication at the University of Nicosia, notes: “... it may be a book that emerged from Thessaloniki but is adressed to the entire world, as it refers to cultural heritage which belongs to all” (excerpt translated).
From Draco’s Cave to China
07 Jul 2011
The CD “From Draco’s Cave” by Babis Papadopoulos, designed by Red Creative, was featured at “Gallery: The World’s Best Graphics” (Vol.11), an international publication showcasing creative work from around the globe and distributed worldwide by Chois Gallery, China.
Publication presentation at "Public" bookstore, Thessaloniki
29 Mar 2011
The “Thessaloniki Graphic Design 1980 - 2009” publication was presented at the scheduled events program of “Public” bookstores in Thessaloniki. Simos Saltiel and Kostas Kalogirou of Red Creative and Stergios Delialis, founder of the Thessaloniki Design Museum talked about the book content and the Thessaloniki graphic design scene.
Photos: Ioanna Fotiadou
"Designer Stories" at "Parallaxi" magazine
17 Feb 2011
Parallaxi, February 2011, Issue 167, p.20-21
Designer Stories
Article (in greek) by Michalis Goudis:
Articles at "Kathimerini" and "Agelioforos" newspapers
17 Jan 2011
Kathimerini, Sunday January 16, 2011
Thessaloniki's trailblazing design scene in print
Article by Dimitris Rigopoulos:
Agelioforos, Saturday December 11, 2010
Thessaloniki Graphic Design 1980 - 2009
Article (in greek) by Giorgos Kastouras"':
“Thessaloniki Graphic Design 1980 - 2009” publication at the bookstores
06 Jan 2011
The “Thessaloniki Graphic Design 1980 - 2009” publication in now available at IANOS and PAPASOTIRIOU bookstores throughout Greece.
“Thessaloniki Graphic Design 1980 - 2009” publication available online
22 Dec 2010
"Thessaloniki Graphic Design, 1980 - 2009" exhibition photos
20 Dec 2010
Views of the poster exhibition at the Thessaloniki Center of Contemporary Art, Greece, presenting part of the work collected for the "Thessaloniki Graphic Design, 1980 - 2009" publication, a project by Red Creative on the occasion of its twentieth anniversary. Exhibition curated by Sirago Tsiara and Red Creative.
Photos: Andreas Sfyridis
A day with particular interest
14 Dec 2010
The series of events for the twenty years of Red Creative was concluded with the enlightening presentations by typographic designer Angelos Bakas, Dr. Klimis Mastoridis and publisher Manolis Savidis, at the Thesaloniki Centre of Contemporary Art in front of a dedicated audience.
Thessaloniki students, designers, educators, printers -and also designers from around the country- gathered for the occasion and participated with their viewpoints and argumentative questions, contributing to the success of the event.
The Red Creative team would like to warmly thank the three guest speakers and all the people that attended the event -in spite of the biting cold- contributing to a great ambience.
The three speakers K. Mastoridis, A. Bakas, M. Savidis with K. Kalogirou of Red Creative
Angelos Bakas, typographic designer, writer, design educator
Klimis Mastoridis, Dr. of Typography & Graphic Communication
Manolis Savidis - publisher
The Red Creative team with the three speakers
Photos: Andreas Sfyridis
Poster exhibition until Sunday
10 Dec 2010
A poster exhibition based on the publication «Thessaloniki graphic design 1980 - 2009», curated by Syrago Tsiara and Red Creative, opened yesterday at the Thessaloniki Centre of Contemporary Art. The exhibition will last until Sunday, Dec 12th (11:00 - 19:00) and the entrance is free.
Photo: Andreas Sfyridis
A special evening
09 Dec 2010
Three ‘generations’ of graphic designers met yesterday at the Contemporary Art Center of Thessaloniki to attend the presentation of the design anthology «Thessaloniki graphic design 1980 - 2009» and the opening of the accompanying poster exhibition. A great, lively crowd of designers, students, friends, clients and collaborators of the past twenty years filled the space, and turned this evening into an unforgettful occasion for the team of Red Creative. We would like to deeply thank all the people that honoured us with their attendance.
Photos: Andreas Sfyridis
20 Years for Red Creative
08 Dec 2010
Red Creative celebrates its twentieth anniversary with a publication devoted to the Thessaloniki graphic design, a poster exhibition and a series of design related lectures, entitled «Thessaloniki graphic design 1980 - 2009».
See more details below:
“Estate Voyatzi” wine labels featured in international publication
15 Nov 2010
Red Creative label series for “Estate Voyatzi” , after being distinct in the Greek and European Design Awards, (EBGE & ED) are featured in “The Art and Design of Contemporary Wine Labels” by Tanya Scholes. According to “this illustrated survey features outstanding wine-label designs from more than 250 international vintners” and “highlights leading designers who have elevated the design of wine labels to an art form”.
More about the publication at
Ten Images for Ithaca -
08 Sep 2010
“Ten Images for Ithaca” is an international poster competition, held since 2002, at Ithaca, Greece, in an attempt to reinforce the cultural profile of the island. Over the years, the competition has won acclaim worldwide and Ithaca has becoma a meeting point for creative people from all over the globe, for the award ceremony in summer. Kostas Kalogirou of Red Creative was appointed a jury member for the 2010 competition, which received 1.728 submissions from 73 countries. The final selection of the jury can be found at
The Gold EBGE Graphic Design Award for 2010 to Red Creative
19 Apr 2010
Red Creative was honoured with the Gold EBGE Graphic Design Award –a distinction granted to the best work of the year– at the Greek Graphic Design & Illustration Awards 2010 (EBGE), for the design of the Biennale 2 visual identity – an event organised by the State Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki. The same project also won the first prize (EBGE Award) at the Multiple Applications category. The jury explains why: “A coherent initial idea –simple but essential– bearing intellectual ambiguity and aesthetic challenges. The design elements, skillfully developed and handled, ensure the project to stand out over its peers with its scope and variables. The production quality is of high caliber, with sensible use of varied materials, variations in scale, and natural adaptations to different media”. The Red Creative team extend their warmest thanks to the people of SMCA, for their unreserved trust during the project.